It’s been a hell of a week for everyone but you came here for comics so it’s comics you’ll get. Thumbs up and high fives all around.
It’s been a hell of a week for everyone but you came here for comics so it’s comics you’ll get. Thumbs up and high fives all around.
She needs to get some junk up top to match the junk at the bottom.
I just started laughing then I started crying. Thanks?
Trunk so fat I need a lap dance.
ERROR: please type a comment.
The thumbs holding like cards look more like hand boners.
Oh my god yes.
I have a friend who’s a total completionist. If he buys a video, he will have to get every achievement. If he goes on vacation, he HAS to look over his backlog of several thousand RSS feeds. He can’t watch a TV series if he hasn’t started from the very beginning…it’s just his way.
He and I have both been long time ASP readers. Somehow, he’s never known about the secret/4th panel this whole time. Today I explained it to him, and now I’ve ruined his day, as he feels inexorably drawn to go back and re-read every ASP comic, this time with 4th panel included.
I just wanted to share this with you guys, because I enjoy the fact tat I’ve ruined his day (days?), and you guys might enjoy that too.
Ruined? More like made.
I did enjoy it.
You heartless bully!
But will he go back through all the pre-hidden-panel strips as well, just to be sure?
that happened to me, but i found out about the hidden comics in the comments section.. idk how he could miss it. lol
So thoughtful.
I have to admit. Just today I understood what is the HiddenComic!
For weeks now I was thinking it is an inside joke some of the commenters invented to screw with new comers!
BUT NOW I SEE THE LIGHT. There IS really a secret panel every single comic!!
Be glad it’s easier to find now. Before, it was hidden somewhere in the comic itself.
Hah, nice try. You’re not tricking me that easy, there’s no such thing as a hidden comic. That’s just stupid.
She can only move on now. She must decide what she’s gonna do with all the junk in her trunk.
Hopefully put more junk in her trunk.
mew two
…It’s terminal.
Your tweet about your mum not getting this comic makes it twice as funny
I wish I could buy that card. My friend’s going through the same thing
if uou ever wanna talk call me…
Look who has had junk in the trunk earlier too!