Are you ready for some real deal bragging? Yeah?! Then here we go! I’ve never had a cavity! How does that make you feel? As a matter of fact, I don’t even do a particularly good job of taking care of my teeth. It’s not that I don’t like flossing, I just tend to forget. Come to think of it, I actually really like flossing! Get that gunk out, make your gums bleed, feel like you’re getting stronger! What’s not to like?
When I was little I tried this door trick with a loose tooth, and I’ll tell ya, get it right on the first try or don’t try it at all. Sheesh. What a strange thing, losing your baby teeth. It’s horrible! Worse than puberty. A little bit of hair popping up in funny places and a couple of zits ain’t got nothing on the Cronenbergian body-horror of bloody bones falling out of your face. That’s when you really grow up. Losing part of yourself. And for the rest of your life, you’ll have stress nightmares about losing your teeth. I’d rather go through puberty one hundred more times than have to even THINK about teeth ever again!
Okay, happy Wednesday everyone, byyyye!
Yeah, that tooth had it coming.
Death to the lower set!
fangs for that!
Plus I used to get a sticky lolly (candy perhaps) and chomp down hard on the loose ones and rip em out, the only way to make real cash in a hurry from the tooth fairy
I’ve never had a cavity and I don’t really floss, either
Door and string? Please. If you really want to teach your teeth a lesson, stick a plug of Red Man chewing tobacco in there. Swish it around. How do you like that teeth? Maybe smoke some crystal meth while your at it. Me 1, teeth 0.
Got my first cavity at mmmm.. 29? Second one popped up maybe a year later. Now at 50 I still only have the two fillings. I’m lucky to remember to brush my teeth at all.
Yay fluoridated water!
I thought the dentist was smiling
Pulls out the wrong tooth.
Oh, good point.
Pull them all and let the fairy sort them out!
i lol’d
I thought the dentist was smiling!!
I still have those weird dreams about randomly losing my teeth sometimes. I’ll feel one pop out, then I’m spitting out a handful of teeth o_O Creeeepy…