Can we all stop pretending that talking about the weather is boring or a “bad” conversation topic? Weather happens one of the prime external forces that affects us every single day of our lives, so maybe we should pay it just a tiny bit of credence. Like, perhaps it should be socially acceptable to mention to my loved ones that today the summer heat is pummeling down with the strength of a two-ton, loincloth wearing imbecile who’s wielding a club made of lead bricks.
And that this savage, murderous weather-beast is out to kill us all. Anyone who doesn’t cower in the shadows behind their AC unit is willingly volunteering themselves for extermination.
Maybe people don’t like talking about the weather because they’re afraid to speak its name, as if it were Voldemort. I wish the weather WERE Voldemort, so I could blast the shit out of him with a Potter-approved Ghostbusters wand-beam. It’s hot. Very, very hot.
Out with the King!
flossing will help with that
Yeah! String ‘im up!
Actually, the bourgeois are the non-landed/titled rich that aren’t a member of the clergy (they’re the ascendant members of the third estate that came to power after the bourgeois and industrial revolutions). “Death to the royalty!”, “la république démocratique et sociale!”, “workers of the world unite!” or “liberté, égalité, anarchie” may be more accurate. Regards, an infantile ultraleftist.
You presume to know a lot about tooth monarchies.
bourgeois |boŏrˈ zh wä; ˈboŏr zh wä|
1. of or characteristic of the middle class, typically with reference to its perceived materialistic values or conventional attitudes
2. a rich, bored, bourgeois family | these views will shock the bourgeois critics.
Alt• (in Marxist contexts) upholding the interests of capitalism; not communist
1. bourgeois society took for granted the sanctity of property.
I don’t think that definition suffices, I’m afraid. The alternative definition affirms the consequent. Yes, bourgeois society is not communist, but it does not follow that a given non-communist society is bourgeois. As Marx puts it in the Manifesto: “The bourgeoisie, historically, has played a most revolutionary part. The bourgeoisie, wherever it has got the upper hand, has put an end to all feudal, patriarchal, idyllic relations… Just as, therefore, at an earlier period, a section of the nobility went over to the bourgeoisie, so now a portion of the bourgeoisie goes over to the proletariat…”
The perceived materialistic values of the middle class would not be deprecated by a Marxist – Marxism is a philosophy founded on dialectical materialism. Perhaps their conception of materialism would be a point of contention though, Stalin inveighed against what he called the “vulgar materialism” of Buchner and Moleschott in “Anarchism or Socialism?” (if only Kropotkin’s philosophy had prevailed!).
Anyway, not that this pointless jawing really matters, given the rates of toothache suffered worldwide…
and I must say I found the comic amusing!
And on that day, “The Free Teeth Commonwealth of Self Managed Collectives” was born!
Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical gesture.
That gamer-guy is so Monsieur Jourdain-ish! He understands NOTHING of the Creative Destruction of Teeth, nor the consequences, as detailed by Schumpeter in his unequaled work entitled “Capitalism, Socialism, Democracy, Wolly Wonka & the Destruction of Teeth by Chocolate.”
The state of political theory expertise amongst the readership of this comic (and their teeth!) is… atrocious! Meth-Mouths, all of you!
At least Freud was just a coke-head, not a chocoholic!
I’m assuming that tooth was Molar The Great – the First of the Molar Royal Family (the first, but strangely, always referred to as #3).
And how come we never hear about Gingivacracies and Propiacracies any more? Who is left to Carry That Weight without the little, micronic peoples? (micronacracies!)
Time to crank-up the air-con in Brooklyn!
Ah HAH! The “AIR”istacracy!
haha best comic in a while! dang, all the hidden jokes great too!
…but the King wouldn’t be the bourgeoisie! The bourgeoise is the traditional middle class: neither peasant nor royalty, e.g. bankers, lawyers, etc.
(Sorry, somebody had to say it. :P)
Well thank goodness somebody finally did!
I used to like summer.
Where’s the roots man?