One of my favorite myths is the one that we only use 10% of our brains. That’s hilarious! Why would we even have so much brain; why would evolution work so hard to make gray matter then suddenly go, “Nah, don’t worry about it.” It’s like saying, “Did you know we only use 10% of our bones??”
Another great brain myth is that some dinosaurs like the stegosaurus had two brains. I think the jury might still be out on the validity that one, but how great is that? A second brain in your butt! You’d always be arguing with what YOU want to do versus what your TAIL wants to do. “We should go see a movie!” you’d think, then your tail would be all, “No way man, I hate movies.”
Not only that, but what if the personality in your tail-brain was cooler than you? Your friends would come over and then say, “Uh, yeah, I’m actually here to hang out with your tail…?” Then you’d have to bury your face in the couch while your butt plays Mario Kart with your friends.
Man, dinosaurs had it tough. No wonder they’re all dead!
The myth about using only 10% of our brain is hoax. We do use all of our brain capasity but we just don’t use it all at the same time. That 10% comes from the fact that it any certain time we use about that much of the brain in specific task. Then there is also parts that does the “automatic stuff” like controlling breathing etc. So in reality the usage is always even more than that. But yeah, the brain isn’t there just for lols, we use it 100%.
We are using only 10% of our brain.
Yes, because quoting a single article, about a single person, is a great way to prove an old myth to actually be fact.
I try not to have arguments with my second brain, think of what it can do to you if you piss it off.
“Oh… no, sorry… YOU are great, you are! I just don’t feel that way about you. You’re like a brother! And I’m actually kinda into your tail. Sorry.”
The loud lie.
Klingons have a buttbrain!
They look downright terrified at his blatant intelligence.
Ah, i see todays comic is about The Big Bang Theory…
I use a similar method to convince women Im good at sex.
It’s 10% of your neurons are firing at anyone time. You can boost this… but obviously if 100% fired your brain would melt and run out your ears or something.
Those cargo pants make me wet.