Careful, Billy, if you keep winning Friendzone Football games you’ll become the star athlete and all the girls will want to date you! Then you won’t be able to take the ball to the friendzone anymore! You’ll just have to have lots and lots of sex with lots and lots of beautiful women! So don’t do it!
Speaking of things you shouldn’t to, you definitely shouldn’t NOT watch a video I made! It’s based on the Fullbright Company’s excellent Gone Home, so check that out if you haven’t!
After graduation Billy went on to serve in Vietnam. He was killed by friendly fire and never knew if we won or lost.
So a touchdown is one point now?
Yeah, touchdown in the friend zone is one point.
I wonder how many people will completely miss the point of the Gone Home parody and say “Omg, your soright, this is how this so called game should have been”
I’ve already saw a few comments on the site saying just that. -_-
I think it was well executed and really predictable (not often can you use that line as a compliment.)
I feel like the description was the best part of the comic.
Had no idea what “Gone Home” is. Followed the link and watched their video. Still have no idea. But Wolfenstein 3D is a reference I get, so great parody!
I’ve noticed some of your comics on Dorkly, Tony. Do the comics and this new short mean that you’ll be collaborating with more frequently?
The cheerleader’s clothes should have been another color to show she’s the rival team
The “end zone” is greatly over rated anyway…
Ha! Masturbation joke…