Okay, I have no clue how to read pronunciation guides. Maybe I learned how in grade school, but that information is not in my brain anymore. This means that when I look up a word and I’m curious how to pronounce it, I see “ŋædaʊʒð” which doesn’t help me at all. Well, I made that one up, but even if you look up the word “banana” the pronunciation key is “bə-ˈna-nə” which I can’t imagine clearing anything up.
That’s why I always need the idiot phonetic spelling, or even better, pressing a button to have someone read it to me. Totally unambiguous, except in the case of words with multiple pronunciations. Those can go screw themselves. That’s right, I’m talking to you, “data” and “caribbean,” come back when you’ve made up your damned mind.
You mean you don’t know how to pronounce ngadoujthe?
You also have to put the right em-PHASS-is on the correct syll-AAA-ble.
Well, there’s no emphasis in french. Just like japanese, no tonic accent.
And it’s pronounced “croa-san”, oi sounds “oa”/”wa”, double s makes an “s” sound (simple s would make a “z” sound) and the t is silent.
I’m always correcting people for saying it wrong. I don’t think it makes me an asshole…
You are an asshole; it’s a loan word (i.e.: we stole it and it’s English now) and the primary pronunciation is krȯ-ˈsänt (cruh-sAHnt to Wes).
Your shitty bastardized French pronunciation is acceptable, although not required.
Hey! Stop speaking French!
Oh and they still got it wrong in the sketch, lol, the “t” is silent!
Remember friends don’t let friends speak French. All others insult.
That was a good comeback in the secret comic.
There is no x in espresso. You and your secret comic are wrong and I needed to tell you that.
As someone from the caribbean, I can assure you that it is, in fact, pronounced caribbean.
That is all.
it’s pronounced “gif”
Giraffical Image Format
Star Trek taught everyone the right way to say Data, saying it any other way is wrong!