Did you know that if you ask a priest for forgiveness, he HAS to give it to you? Pretty screwed up, right? It’s through this loophole that a number of clever folks have really bamboozled the Big Guy Upstairs. I once heard that two priests teamed up to forgive each other, while one of them would mug people and the other would pour animal urine on their recently mugged victims! Where are those priests now? Heaven. Where are their victims? Covered in animal urine, and in Hell. Except for one of them who is still alive and kicking in West Covina, but if she doesn’t Accept The Lord she’s headed straight to hell with the rest of them!
If I had a million dollars, I’d hire a team of priests to follow me around, and forgive me for everything I do! It’s basically the Fear of Going to Hell that keeps me from being a total sociopath, and I’d really like to try pouring animal urine on people after mugging them! It sounds like so much fun. *Sigh*
so a crucifix necklace is like a dog collar?
…a somewhat holier way of saying “god’s bitch” ?
You know, if you’re a animal you can get away with pouring animal urine on people everyday. Even flinging your poo in their face. It must be why animals don’t go to heaven….
I am going to go ahead and say we need to start a religious debate on this thread, where everyone insults all others, lasting for days, with the end result being lots of angry/disappointed in humanity people and no-one being convinced of anything whatsoever.
real Christians know that’s not necessary
Oh yeah, well, my invisible friend is more powerful than your invisible friend!
“Real Christians?” Why would you say that your particular splinter cell of a monotheistic religion is the “real” way to do things? If the God you and millions of others (including me) believe in is truly as powerful, perfect, timeless etc. as religions say He/She is, then God would be so far above our weak little primate minds that any attempt to determine what is exactly the “right” way to do things is ignorant at best and arrogant at worst. We all just try our hardest to connect to a being that is infinitely far beyond our ability to even begin to comprehend. Believe what you want. Don’t put down the beliefs of others, comments like yours, MVP, they are nothing but masterbation and only serve to make you feel superior and strengthen the impression that people with faith are dick heads.
Also internet “debates” are asinine and religion should probably be avoided in lighthearted comics.