Years ago I was reading a thread about prison life. Obviously these discussions are very compelling because law abiding citizens such as myself (i.e. total uncool nerds) have no idea what life on the inside is like. People are talking about subcultures, gangs, and shit they saw go very wrong. But one comment really stood out to me, just sitting on its own:
“I was in prison for a few years. It was fine.”
That’s all! No explanation. No further elaboration. I can’t find it at the moment so I might not have the exact wording, but that is essentially what this person was saying. “How was the soup at that restaurant?” “It was fine.” “How was your soccer game today?” “It was fine.” “How were those YEARS of your ONE LIFE on this PLANET, spent in a building surrounded by people who have crossed society SO SEVERELY that they have to be LOCKED AWAY?”
It was fine.
Not a load of fun, but didn’t get stabbed. People write reviews for shoelaces on Amazon longer than that.
Love how the hover text *kinda* rhymes.
This comic
I like it.
It was fine.
Speaking of prison, does anybody else in America find that, so called ‘law abiding citizens’ weird fetishistic fantasies about crime and sexual punishment in prison to be, well….disturbing? Every time somebody ‘bad’ is mentioned going to prison in news, people basically salivate about him getting…you know, dropping the soap and stuff?
Prison is much like jail. It ain’t the ritz-carlton, but it ain’t Hollywood’s Alcatraz either. You are surrounded by people of all stripes and backgrounds. It’s the crazies and young lifers that cause the most trouble. Even so, the threat of getting locked in the hole for a couple of months keeps most people inline.
That was how I reviewed the mental hospital too. It would have weirded people out even more if I’d admitted it was the best 3 months of my life
I also have the master key tatooed on my privates. Using it will be hard though
I see what you did there…
he also had protection on his arm. that’s how I was born.