Thousands of people each year vacation in Hawaii, the Bahamas, Tahiti, or a billion other tropical paradises, and YOU are telling ME that we’re supposed to believe castaways want to LEAVE their islands?
Bull-and-SHIT to that, my friend.
I sat through all grueling fifteen seasons of Lost, and at least ten of those seasons were about getting back onto that island. Or, hey, Gilligan’s island? I didn’t see a single episode of that where they *actually* tried to leave. We want to be locked on that island.
It’s the human death wish, baby. We don’t want to “die,” but we want to die to all the responsibilities and burdens we are born into. It’s a fallacy that human progress is a good thing; living for the future is a perpetual lie. True paradise is being completely ok with where you’re at.
“True paradise is being completely ok with where you’re at.” – Are you a closet Buddhist, perhaps? =P
He’s totally right though.
Yea that’s an amazing quote.
Not the usual direction, but still enjoyed.
That’s some deep shit, yo.
Well said!
I like this
Today’s cartoon is more insightful than actually funny, I think. Still awesome though! 🙂
Who would leave wonky boobs island?
Mind. Blown.
There was an episode of Gilligans Island where they managed to leave the island, but then they didn’t like how the world was and ended up back on the island.
It’s all fun in paradise ’till someone has a coconut land on their head. [Apparently around 10 people die every year in Fiji from falling coconuts. They make quite a ‘thud’ when they hit the ground after falling about a 100 feet from tree top.]
Not sure if funny or profound. But whatever it is, I like it.
HAHAHAHAHAHA, so fuunnieh
Always good to hone in on those rock-smashing skills, I never have the time…