Amazing Super Powers Super Contest #1!
on September 7, 2008 at 11:14 pmOkay – check it, yo. I have a serious habit of latching onto fragmented childhood memories, trying to piece them back together using whatever seemingly useless shreds of information I can gather… SO!
Those cups, those GOSH DAMNED CUPS. In the early to mid-nineties they used to be EVERYWHERE. I -of course- am talking about the classic generic wax paper cup, found at non-chain burger joints all over southern California and probably THE WORLD. They’re red at the bottom, orange in the middle, yellow above that and then white at the top. I think. I could be wrong. But whatever the arrangement of colors, I am certain that as a wee one I sucked a shit ton of Coca-Soda-Cola-Pop out of those things.
And I don’t know what they’re called. I don’t know if they still exist. I can’t find so much as a PICTURE of them on the Google Internet. It’s breaking my heart to horrible little pieces.
BUT! If ANY of you can give me the names of these cups, any information of note, I will PERSONALLY draw and mail you an AWESOME drawing of your choice. I swears it. Pinkie promise.
Okay, so leave a comment if you have any leads. Please.
*This is not a real contest per se, but I will stick to my word until I have enough information that I can close the contest!! So, do, my friends! Do do do!! DO!!
? Thats the closest I found, probably not the one you are looking for but I will post ’till I find that cup!
Those look pretty mid-90’s Hopefully one of them is what you are looking for 🙂
i sort of remember the cups you’re talking about…although these are th ones i remember more:
but i did find something interesting:
the second link it seems you can give them your own design, and i’m sure they’d be able to accommodate your red/yellow/white design
You guys are making some awesome progress, this rules. These aren’t quite right, but closer than I have managed to find. If visuals help, I put the cups (as I remember them) into these comics-
So what burger joints had these cups? and were they paper or that foam sort-of stuff? I’m still on the case here! Me wants the picture :3
closest i could find
these look pretty old but there arnet any with that colour scheme
your on drugs those cups never existed
Don’t give up the search, man. I remember seeing those when I was little, too.
A variety of google searches have left me with an eBay auction on teacups and a website called “Quiltin’ Time.”
In short, you guys may be out of luck.
I had been plagued by this question as soon as you posted it. I too grew up with the tri-color, disposable, nameless cups. I googled the hell out of disposable cups, but to no avail. I thought it was lost in the same place that “The Amazing Live Sea Monkeys” and Surge soda went. However, I was watching Seinfeld today, it was “The Hot Tub” episode (Season 7, episode 5), where Kramer gets a hot tub in his apartment and Jerry is introduced to Jean Paul, Jean Paul (The Olympic Marathon runner who overslept and missed his race. At the end of this episode, where Jean Paul, Jean Paul is running a marathon Kramer and the other crowd members are holding the cup. Yes, they existed, and yes they are a pivotal part of our culture, long lost to brand names and big corporations.
I hope this helps.
minute 6:13
HOOOLYYYY CRAP HAL. That’s the motherload, not just one, but an entire table full. OH MAN. I owe you big time.
I would like a picture of an astronaut boarding a subway. If this can be arranged in any capacity, I will accept it as my reward.
Hey Tony,
I saw your quest on here a couple of weeks ago and I just recently found them in “The Big Lebowski”. Here are a couple of pictures to help you in your grand adventure. In the movie, they are supposed to be eating In-n-Out, but I don’t think they ever used those cups.
!!! Dustin!!
And Hal, it’s yours man.
Okay, Hal and Dustin are the first two who done me good. The next and FINAL WINNER will have to tell me the name of these cups or where to buy them!!
Dude I will find your cup. Let me know i the contest is still on. I will find your cup, the price, manufacturer, name and model number
I definitely just saw your cup in robin-hood men in tights… Robin takes a stab at the baddy and pierces the camera guy’s bagel instead. On the windowsill is the legendary cup. soooooooooo, all you need to do is carefully review the credits and contact the guy who had his bagel stabbed, there you will find your cup
Oh man, I’m totally on it.
I know it’s late but I just saw these cups in an episode of That 70’s Show. I was flipping through and did a double take when I remembered this whole cup thing. I’m not sure if it’s in all the episodes but the one I was watching was called “Moon Over Point Place”… I think. It’s the same as the ones from The Big Lebowski.
I figure it would be easier to do the credits for That 70’s Show than for The Big Lebowski.
HEY MAN! i found your post because i have been EXCAVATING the INTERNET for the exact same reason!!!! why is it that no one else remembers these????????